Tar - исключаем файлы и списки исключений
tar -cvfpj --exclude=~/My_Music tarFile.bz2 /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude=~/My_Music /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude=~/My_Music /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude=~/My_Music tarFile.tar /home/evan/ # quoting the exclude paths: tar -cvfpj --exclude="~/My_Music" tarFile.bz2 /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude="~/My_Music" /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude="~/My_Music" /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude="~/My_Music" tarFile.tar /home/evan/ # not using ~ character in exclude paths: tar -cvfpj --exclude="/My_Music" tarFile.bz2 /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude="/My_Music" /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude="/My_Music" /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude="/My_Music" tarFile.tar /home/evan/ # not using ~ character and not quoting the exclude paths: tar -cvfpj --exclude=/My_Music tarFile.bz2 /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude=/My_Music /home/evan/ tar -cvfpj tarFile.bz2 --exclude=/My_Music /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude=/My_Music tarFile.tar /home/evan/ #creating an exclude list file and referencing that tar -cvfX ~/scripts/EXCLUDE_list tarFile.tar /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude-from ~/scripts/EXCLUDE_list tarFile.tar /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude-from=~/scripts/EXCLUDE_list tarFile.tar /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude-from="~/scripts/EXCLUDE_list" tarFile.tar /home/evan/ tar -cvf --exclude-from=$HOME/scripts/EXCLUDE_list tarFile.tar /home/evan/ #contents of the EXCLUDE_list file have taken many forms - # none have appeared to have any effect. # version 1 /My_Music/ # version 2 /My_Music # version 3 My_Music # version 4 - trying to isolate file types *.mpg *.mp3 *.m4a
ubuntu/tar-exclude.txt · Последнее изменение: 2017/03/23 21:59 —