<?php /*********************************************************************** * PHP NTLM GET LOGIN * Version 0.2 * ==================================================== * * Copyright (c) 2004 Nicolas GOLLET ( * Copyright (c) 2004 Flextronics Saint-Etienne * * This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * ***********************************************************************/ /* L'identification par NTLM se fait en 6 etape : etape: | type: | Info echange -------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------- 1 | C --> S | GET ... legende : C = Client -------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------- S = Serveur 2 | C <-- S | 401 Unauthorized | | WWW-Authenticate: NTLM -------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------- 3 | C --> S | GET ... | | Authorization: NTLM <base64-encoded type-1-message> -------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------- 4 | C <-- S | 401 Unauthorized | | WWW-Authenticate: NTLM <base64-encoded type-2-message> -------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------- 5 | C --> S | GET ... | | Authorization: NTLM <base64-encoded type-3-message> -------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------- 6 | C <-- S | 200 Ok -------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------- */ $headers = apache_request_headers(); // Recuperation des l'entetes client if($headers['Authorization'] == NULL){ //si l'entete autorisation est inexistante header( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized" ); //envoi au client le mode d'identification header( "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM" ); //dans notre cas le NTLM exit; //on quitte }; if(isset($headers['Authorization'])) //dans le cas d'une authorisation (identification) { if(substr($headers['Authorization'],0,5) == 'NTLM '){ // on verifit que le client soit en NTLM $chaine=$headers['Authorization']; $chaine=substr($chaine, 5); // recuperation du base64-encoded type1 message $chained64=base64_decode($chaine); // decodage base64 dans $chained64 if(ord($chained64{8}) == 1){ // |_ byte signifiant l'etape du processus d'identification (etape 3) // verification du drapeau NTLM "0xb2" a l'offset 13 dans le message type-1-message : if (ord($chained64[13]) != 178){ echo "Votre navigateur Internet n'est pas compatible avec le NTLM, utiliser IE...Merci"; exit; } $retAuth = "NTLMSSP"; $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(2); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(40); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(1); $retAuth .= chr(130); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(2); $retAuth .= chr(2); $retAuth .= chr(2); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth .= chr(0); $retAuth64 =base64_encode($retAuth); // encode en base64 $retAuth64 = trim($retAuth64); // enleve les espaces de debut et de fin header( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized" ); // envoi le nouveau header header( "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM $retAuth64" ); // avec l'identification supplementaire exit; } else if(ord($chained64{8}) == 3){ // |_ byte signifiant l'etape du processus d'identification (etape 5) // on recupere le domaine $lenght_domain = (ord($chained64[31])*256 + ord($chained64[30])); // longueur du domain $offset_domain = (ord($chained64[33])*256 + ord($chained64[32])); // position du domain. $domain = substr($chained64, $offset_domain, $lenght_domain); // decoupage du du domain //le login $lenght_login = (ord($chained64[39])*256 + ord($chained64[38])); // longueur du login. $offset_login = (ord($chained64[41])*256 + ord($chained64[40])); // position du login. $login = substr($chained64, $offset_login, $lenght_login); // decoupage du login // l'host $lenght_host = (ord($chained64[47])*256 + ord($chained64[46])); // longueur de l'host. $offset_host = (ord($chained64[49])*256 + ord($chained64[48])); // position de l'host. $host = substr($chained64, $offset_host, $lenght_host); // decoupage du l'host echo "Domain is : $domain"; echo "<br>Login is : $login"; echo "<br>host is : $host"; } } } ?>
programming/php/ntlm-apache.txt · Последнее изменение: 2017/03/27 11:26 — artur