Генерация сертификатов для отправки push-уведомлений через APNs
$ . thisScript request_file.cer priv_key.p12 aps_dev.cer
if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "Error in $0 - Invalid Argument Count" echo "Syntax: $0 request_cer_file p12_file app_cer_file output_filename" echo " - request_cer_file is the request file you sent to apple" echo " - p12_file is found in your keychain (it's the private key)" echo " - app_cer_file is found on App ID screen from Apple" else reqFile=$1 p12File=$2 cerFile=$3 certPEM='apn_cert.pem' pKeyPEM='apn_pkey.pem' pKeyNoEncPEM='apn_pkey_noenc.pem' p12FileOut='apn_cert_key.p12' # remove old rm $certPEM rm $pKeyPEM rm $pKeyNoEncPEM rm $p12FileOut #convert *.cer (der format) to pem openssl x509 -in $cerFile -inform DER -out $certPEM -outform PEM #convert p12 private key to pem (requires the input of a minimum 4 char password) openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out $pKeyPEM -in $p12File # if you want remove password from the private key openssl rsa -out $pKeyNoEncPEM -in $pKeyPEM #take the certificate and the key (with or without password) and create a PKCS#12 format file openssl pkcs12 -export -in $certPEM -inkey $pKeyNoEncPEM -certfile $reqFile -name "apn_identity" -out $p12FileOut # # # If all things worked then the following should work as a test # openssl s_client -connect -cert apn_cert.pem -key apn_pkey_noenc.pem # # echo "Looks like everything was successful" echo "Test command:" echo "openssl s_client -connect -cert apn_cert.pem -key apn_pkey_noenc.pem" echo fi
programming/cert.txt · Последнее изменение: 2017/03/27 11:26 — artur