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Отключить Beep сигнал удаленного рабочего стола

На удаленном компе выполняем и готово.

net stop beep

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound] “Beep”=No

got this from: http://blogs.technet.com/richardsmith/archive/2007/07/17/useful-registry-changes-during-build-creation.aspx

@echo Batch file to disable beep
@sc stop beep
@sc config beep start= disabled
@echo ok
@echo If you didn’t hear a beep just now then it worked!

У меня этот способ сработал

I’ve noticed that since installing Server 2008, audible beeps come through to my local computer. I’ve tried tweaking the remote desktop client settings, to no avail. I know this is a common issue – here’s the fix.

 1. On the server, connected either locally or remotely:
 2. Open a command-prompt.  Hit the windows-key and type ‘cmd’.
 3. Enter sc config beep start= disabled – Note that the space between ’start=’ and ‘disabled’ is necessary, and the command will not work if you omit it!
 4. Reboot the server.

Edit: This seems to work on desktops but not servers! Do not attempt the following instructions if you’re uncomfortable, make sure you backup your registry before doing them. I cannot be held responsible for damages, etc etc, yadda-yadda. You all know the drill. Onward!

If you try the above on a server and it doesn’t work: Run regedit on the server. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminalServer. Create a DWORD called DisableBeep. Set the (HEX) value to 1. Close Regedit. Fire up services.msc, find the terminal services service. Restart it and any associated services. You will be immediately disconnected. Reconnect. The beep has stopped. Change that value back to a 0 to re-enable the beep.

software/windows/remote-beeper.1281421084.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2017/03/23 21:57 (внешнее изменение)

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